Member club

enjoy distinguished service


DieSha NoniGingo is God's blessing under the luxury products, she is a gift from nature, Kuangshi treasures. The world's best original production, limited production, the use of traditional brewing process, with its high nutritional value makes it has been at the top of NONI, a well-deserved "gold liquid." Enjoy DieSha NoniGingo, never divided amateurs or experts, NoniGingo is a culture, a new way of life.
  "NoniGingo Club" distributes NoniGingo and Noni culture knowledge to its members through regular tasting sessions and health salon events. In addition, DieSha NoniGingo Club through the absorption of beauty, health, health clubs, private clubs as a collaborative unit to join the club, as DieSha NoniGingo Union businesses, through business alliance activities, organizing special features activities, members Salon, experts lectures, management consulting, professional training and other activities, in addition to Pinnacle Noni exchange, it is to build a set of cultural exchange, beauty regimen, project investment, professional training and other comprehensive exchange platform. The establishment of NoniGingo Club is not only to further promote NoniGingo's high-quality NoniGingo, but also to lead a new high-quality life experience of "exquisiteness, elegance and health".
    "DieSha NoniGingo Club" implementation of membership management, corporate members and individual members.
    "DieSha NoniGingo Club NoniGingo" Mission: Nostalgia fruit, display Noni culture, explore Noni wonderful, enjoy a healthy life.

  • Liquid gold

    Really come from the original,
    pure, pollution-free islands
    The world's high-quality luxury
    gold-like drinks

  • Latitude 5° north latitude 10°

    DieSha International Base
    Noni fruit wild original origin
    of the most primitive

  • NoniGingo

    Create the world's first
    100% pure brewing Noni

  • Traditional brewing

    Follow nature back to nature

  • Enjoy privilege

    VIP customers enjoy "Butterfly
    International" distinguished service

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